Many parents find it easy enough to teach children their ABCs and 123s – but what about 一二三 (yi, er, san)?
Sending your preschoolers to Chinese enrichment classes could be your solution. It is tough for parents not to get stressed out about learning a second language – especially if it is not commonly spoken at home. Thus, putting your child in the great hands of an expert who knows how to get kids to love Chinese is a great way to start.
If you are worried that Chinese enrichment classes may be too much for your child, never fear! Here are some ways that these classes can benefit your kids and even get them to start loving Mandarin.
Playing and learning in Mandarin Enrichment Classes is fun
Although they are called ‘classes’, you may be surprised to learn that most Chinese enrichment classes for preschoolers actually involve a lot of playtime. As children learn best through play, it is a great strategy to use playtime to introduce them to concepts and terms in Chinese instead of memorising and learning from rote as the earlier generations did.
Children are naturally motivated to play and are more likely to recall words and phrases that they pick up organically rather than recited to them in a classroom. In fact, playing helps improve a child’s capacity for memory – which is sure to be very helpful in picking up their Mother Tongue. Through songs and stories, playing interactive games with each other and solving puzzles in Chinese, children also begin to positively associate the language with fun and enjoyment.
Read also: “My child prefers to speak to me in English than in Chinese. What should I do?”
Encouraging teachers build the strong foundation needed in preschool
Not surprisingly, the positive effect of teachers on students’ learning cannot be stated enough. When teachers are caring and invested in their students, the children benefit greatly and are much more eager to learn. With plenty of solid training and a heart for education, teachers play a huge role in getting children to love whatever subject they teach – and that certainly includes Mandarin.
Good Chinese enrichment teachers would know how to excite their students about learning the language and instil in them a passion for learning. They can use creative teaching strategies such as Chinese phonetics, which help children to understand the way Chinese words are pronounced. With their love and genuine care for the children, teachers plant a seed that will grow into a real love for the language.
Instil a love of the culture in your preschoolers through Chinese enrichment classes
It can be said that the Chinese language and the culture go hand in hand. It would be almost impossible to learn one without having any knowledge of the other!
Chinese enrichment classes can help your preschool children truly appreciate Chinese culture through learning its vivid folktales and attempting traditional art forms such as brush calligraphy. As students learn the colourful history, myths and legends of ancient China, they will grow a deep love and appreciation for the complexity of the Chinese language.
In MindChamps Chinese PreSchools, Chinese culture is seen as an integral part of learning Mandarin. Through immersive facets such as crafted play, Chinese phonetics, character building and even Chinese theatre, you can be sure that your children will soon become fluent in their Mother Tongue. Children will enjoy and love Chinese much more when they can absorb it organically every day.
Read also: How Learning Mandarin Changes the Hearts and Minds of Toddlers in Chinese Immersion Preschools
Written by JoBeth Williams
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