8 Free E-Learning Resources to Occupy Your Kids with at Home

With the rise in COVID-19 cases reported recently and the circuit breaker measures in place from 8 April to 4 May 2020, schools have now switched to full home-based learning and free e-learning resources while preschool services are suspended. Your child’s teachers would have made arrangements for online lessons to be conducted and daily assignments...

Fun Numeracy Activities to Do at Home with Kids Aged 4-5

Stay Home, Stay Curious As you and your family stay safe at home, how can you keep your child engaged in learning through this period of school closure? Our numeracy activities for kids will help your resolve this potential issue. We’ve prepared two short maths activities for you to do together – all you’ll need...

2021 Changes to the PSLE Scoring System

As announced by the Ministry of Education (MOE) in July 2019, the PSLE scoring system will be revamped starting from 2021. This will affect the current primary 5 students in 2020. After the new changes for the 2021 PSLE scoring system, your child will be graded with wider bands and the scores will reflect his/her...

Tips to Help Your Child Plan His/Her PSLE Study Schedule

During your child’s PSLE year, activities in school will gradually slow down to give him/her more time for PSLE study plan. While the co-curricular activities (CCA) and some recreational activities in school may omit the primary 6 cohort, your parental role in helping your child balance his/her schedule remains crucial. Creating a PSLE study plan...

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