Are You Spending Enough Time With Your Children?

These days, parents have plenty of demands to meet, especially with how the landscape of modern parenting has shifted compared to the past. The juggling of your careers, the extra-curricular activities your children are involved in, after-school tuition lessons and social obligations can be physically and mentally exhausting. So, after handling all of the above,...

5 Ways to Build Character and Integrity in Preschoolers

Regardless of whether you send your child to a childcare centre or kindergarten in Singapore, preschools in Singapore do not only focus on preparing young children to be academically proficient. An all-rounded education starts from early childhood and instilling firm values in your child ensures that they grow up to be grounded individuals with a...

How Sand Play Benefits Your Preschooler’s Development

Children are always very intrigued by sand. They enjoy digging into sand, sifting it, making a hole in the sand and seeing how deep it can go, building things with sand, and funny enough, destroying the creations they have made by kicking them down. The thought of allowing your children to play with sand can...

4 Signs that Indicate Your Child is Unhappy in School

Life is full of ups and downs – and this is particularly true for young children who lack the tools to cope with big emotions. Preschoolers are often not able to verbalise how they feel, and parents can sometimes miss out on the real reason behind their children’s behaviour. Kids may be unhappy in school...

Teaching Responsibility to Preschoolers: How To Get Started

Responsibility is a big word to little children. However, that does not mean that they are unable to understand what it means. In the words of Uncle Ben, Spider Man’s Uncle, “With great powers comes great responsibility”. Teaching children the value of responsibility is a life-long parenting challenge that many parents have to go through....

10 Different Types of Play and How They Help Kids Learn

Children are natural learners – from the moment that they are born, they absorb information and pick up patterns, ideas and concepts to figure out their environments and how they relate to others. Even as infants, they go through growth spurts that lead to mental leaps as they learn new things. As they grow older,...

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