Reading Is As Easy As ABC With Phonics

Learning to read is one of the most important skills a child can acquire. Not only does reading give children access to a world of knowledge and information, it also helps them to develop key language and communication skills. Despite its importance, many children struggle with reading. Poor literacy skills can lead to problems in school as...

MindChamps vs Reggio Emilia: Exploring Similarities & Differences

When it comes to selecting a preschool for your child, you would want to understand what kind of learning style is suitable for them. No pedagogy is better than another; the impact it has on your child’s development is the key determinant. All pedagogical approaches put the child’s interests at heart, which means identifying the nuanced differences can help you...

Why Enrol Your Child In A Preschool In Singapore?

Many parents find themselves wondering whether they should send their sons and daughters to a preschool. After all, if their child is so young, how can he understand what is happening during lesson time? Contrary to popular belief, most experts agree that the ideal age to send a child for preschool education is between three and...

Importance of a Playful Approach in Early Childhood Education

You start singing “Head, Shoulders, Knees and Toes” in a different language, and you see your Champ dancing along to the same choreography as they would have when the English version is sung to them. While many Champion Parents naturally find pride in such small successes, the association between these learnt behaviours nurtured through playtime...

MindChamps PreSchool Programme: Nurture A Love For Reading

 Much has been said about the importance of teaching preschool children to read at an early age, whether in school or at enrichment programmes. After all, it is challenging to go about our daily lives without basic literacy skills, such as sitting for written tests or ordering food. Being able to read also opens up...

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