Getting a place in childcare centres in Punggol can be tricky, as there are more children who live in the area than there are childcare places available. According to checks by the Straits Times, Punggol estates have amongst the highest number of residents aged four and below in the country.
As a parent, choosing the right school for your child is one of the biggest decisions to make. But what happens if, after all that research and shortlisting, you are unable to get your child enrolled in your preschool of choice? Fortunately, there are ways to prevent this from happening.
Parents living in the area, read on for five tips to secure a place in a childcare centre in Punggol.
Read also: MindChamps PreSchool @ Punggol Northshore – Community Minded
1. Do your research on childcare centres in Punggol early
It may feel like you are jumping the gun when you start scoping out preschools before your child is of age, but it is better to be prepared than late to the game.
The earlier that you have a sense of what you are looking for, the sooner you can begin narrowing down your top picks. To help, here are 7 types of preschools in Singapore to consider. Montessori or Reggio Emilia, play-based or whole brain learning preschool? Childcare options abound in Singapore.
After you figure out the best fit for your kid and you are ready to tour the preschools, refer to this handy checklist. Again, be sure to start this process earlier to save yourself more stress down the road.
2. Stay on top of admissions deadlines at childcare centres in Punggol
Be aware of the application window, lest you miss any deadlines. Or does your preschool of choice accept applications on a rolling basis? If so, you could enquire which are the better (read: less competitive) times to apply.
Double-check that all your admissions documents and forms are completed correctly the first time around in order to avoid any unnecessary delays and hiccups, and be sure to submit them promptly. The same principle goes for deposits.
3. Enrol your child at the Playgroup age instead of waiting until he or she is older
Rather than waiting until your child is older to start his or her preschool journey, enrol him or her earlier when there is potentially less competition for spots. To that end, if your preschool of choice has great infant care, you might consider enrolling your little one then. That way, you save yourself the worry of looking for preschool options, as your kid is already guaranteed a spot.
In addition, the sooner that your child is enrolled at your preschool of choice, the sooner that he or she can transition and adapt to the new surroundings. In no time, your child will be a veteran in the childcare centre, familiar with where things are, who to go for what, and known to all the staff and teachers who will have witnessed your little one growing up.
4. If you are on the waitlist, call to check where you stand
Best case scenario: Your child is accepted into your dream preschool. Worst case: He or she does not. Waitlist is somewhere in between, depending on where your child stands on that list.
Although calling every week or every other week to check does not guarantee anything, at least it conveys your continued interest. If the principal or centre director has not met your child yet, you could call and ask if your child could meet them. It doesn’t hurt and it puts your child on the radar.
MindChamps @ Punggol Northshore offers complimentary tours of the centre. Come check out its sprawling campus (15,000 sq ft), complete with a well-stocked library, eco-pond, and nearly 3,600 sq ft playground with waterfront views. Call ahead to nab the free tour and come prepared with any questions.
5. Get a better feel for childcares in Punggol beforehand by checking out any enrichment classes they may offer
A good way to get a more in-depth “feel” for your preschool of choice in Punggol is scoping out any enrichment classes they may offer. For instance, kids can experience the MindChamps philosophy and academic approach by trying MindChamps Reading and Writing programmes. These weekly lessons provide an in-depth sense of MindChamps PreSchool curriculum itself. MindChamps Reading and Writing programmes are actually incorporated into the curriculum which is offered at all MindChamps PreSchool centres.
If you observe that the enrichment classes are effectively improving your child’s performance as well as his or her interest in the subjects, then that is a sound indication that the preschool itself may be a good fit – in which case, you can enrol your child with peace of mind.
Written by Jenny Tai
Want to learn more about MindChamps PreSchool @ Punggol Northshore? Secure a place while you still can.