Research shows that writing is intricately linked to cognitive development, in that it improves learning by processing information for long-term memory storage. While writing usually revolves around a particular topic, these skills often extend beyond the subject matter. For both children and adults, this process aids in helping us recall information, make connections between concepts, and synthesise information in new ways.
Whether you simply want to expose your child to a wider linguistic range or help them develop learning skills across all subjects, practising how to write can go a long way. It does not have to be boring, too. In this blog, we will share a few ways in which you can plan fun writing exercises at home for your child.
Name game
Apart from “mama” or “dada”, one of the very first words your child will learn is their own name. Learning how to write one’s name is also a big deal – in fact, it is usually one of the biggest milestones your child will achieve in the early years.
It can be a chore simply following the dotted lines over and over again. To help your child hone this name-writing ability, you can consider getting their participation in labelling items. From clothing, to bags, to exercise books, let your little one have a go at penning down their name.
Get a grip
Having a stable grip can make all the difference in penmanship and writing. Instead of focusing on the final output, why not work with your child on perfecting the grip? Let your child choose a selection of pens, pencils and markers, then let them hold them or explore how they feel in their hands.
Here, the dotted line exercise will be a great help. Give your child tracing books and give them the chance to freestyle it. There’s no need to get it right as your main objective is to get them comfortable with holding writing tools in the first place.
Tell a story
The next time you are thinking of pulling out that bedtime story you have both read for the umpteenth time, consider making up your own instead. Children love stories, and they love telling one. Start off by writing for your child as he narrates their own story, then use it as a teaching moment to have them eventually write their own.
Creative writing is not just about stringing words together. It fosters active imagination and helps children develop self-awareness and observation skills. Furthermore, it is a great communication tool and allows children to better express themselves.
Start a journal
Journalling is one of the no-stress ways to pick up writing skills. Like writing a diary, it allows the writer to have total control and to express thoughts effectively. Journal writing is also known to improve mental health. There are many ways for your child to go about it: record entries on daily happenings, or log the food they have eaten for the day. For older children, you can even restart that newspaper subscription and have them pick out a news article that has caught their eye – then summarise it in a journal.
Apart from just writing, your child can also supplement the content with drawings and cutouts. Let them choose their own notebook, coloured pens and other materials to make this journalling experience fun and engaging.
Reap the benefits of writing
Many parents struggle with teaching their child how to write, and understandably so. Writing is a complex process and a learned skill, and most will need help and guidance along the way. A child with writing difficulties may find it frustrating to comprehend things around them, and this can impact active learning.
At MindChamps, we offer toddler enrichment programmes to develop the reading and writing skills of our students in Singapore. These preschool programmes provide a strong foundation in them while enhancing the learning experience. Speak to us to find out how we can empower your child’s writing journey today.