Recently, the government rolled out plans to reduce examinations in primary school, moving towards a more holistic assessment. With the growing de-emphasis on academic performance, there will be an increasing focus on the character development of each child.
One way to give your kids a head start in this area would be to send them for drama classes. However, not all speech and drama classes are created equal. Here are some things you should look out for when choosing one.
Finding themselves through Speech and Drama
Through exploring roles, kids can look inwards to their own experiences and feelings, thus learning how to express themselves. Taking on different personalities while playing a role can help children to find out what kind of person they want or don’t want to be.
With MindChamps’ Actors Centre Kids programme, each child will go on an individual journey catered to their age group. The kids’ drama classes are split into three levels – from ages three to four, five to six and seven to nine.
Read also: 5 Reasons Why Drama Classes for Kids are Beneficial
Drama classes that teach kids interpersonal skills
Speech and drama classes in Singapore are not just for kids who are interested in acting – it can be a useful tool to help shy kids interact more with others.
With practice, they will be able to build up their interpersonal skills and find it easier to talk to people. This helps them become more open-minded to the opinions of others.
As teamwork is essential and a part of our everyday life, giving children the opportunity to collaborate with others from a young age helps to give them a good head start in life.
Focus on building confidence and empowerment
Classes at drama schools in Singapore will also help to build self-confidence and empower the children.
Depending on their age groups, they will experience different things that will help them grow. They will start with honing their creative skills, then move on to presenting and have a go at dynamic storytelling. Teachers are on hand to ensure that every child would have an equal opportunity to present and be encouraging to all. With positive feedback from both adults and their peers, kids will come out of their shells with speech and drama classes in Singapore.
Helping them find their creative sides
Creativity is another trait that is vital in this day and age, as employers are looking for something more than grades. During the Actors Centre Kids programme or Champion Mindset Theatre programme, kids are presented with new challenges at every lesson which will help them think out of the box. These challenges help kids to solve problems better in the future as they will be less stressed and more skilful in coming up with solutions when placed in a tight spot.
Read also: 5 Ways Drama Classes in Schools Can Help Your Kid in Singapore
Speech and drama classes are designed to allow kids to have fun while they work on developing their soft skills and boosting their confidence. In the long run, this helps them academically as they learn to absorb, understand and apply their lessons to real life better.
Written by Steffi Wee